
This project aims to create an easy to use, extendable and customizable server for a MMORPG called "MU Online".

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C3 F3 03 - CharacterInformationExtended (by server)

Is sent when

After the character was selected by the player and entered the game.

Causes the following actions on the client side

The characters enters the game world.


Index Length Data Type Value Description
0 1 Byte 0xC3 Packet type
1 1 Byte 96 Packet header - length of the packet
2 1 Byte 0xF3 Packet header - packet type identifier
3 1 Byte 0x03 Packet header - sub packet type identifier
4 1 Byte   X
5 1 Byte   Y
6 2 ShortLittleEndian   MapId
8 8 LongBigEndian   CurrentExperience
16 8 LongBigEndian   ExperienceForNextLevel
24 2 ShortLittleEndian   LevelUpPoints
26 2 ShortLittleEndian   Strength
28 2 ShortLittleEndian   Agility
30 2 ShortLittleEndian   Vitality
32 2 ShortLittleEndian   Energy
34 2 ShortLittleEndian   Leadership
36 4 IntegerLittleEndian   CurrentHealth
40 4 IntegerLittleEndian   MaximumHealth
44 4 IntegerLittleEndian   CurrentMana
48 4 IntegerLittleEndian   MaximumMana
52 4 IntegerLittleEndian   CurrentShield
56 4 IntegerLittleEndian   MaximumShield
60 4 IntegerLittleEndian   CurrentAbility
64 4 IntegerLittleEndian   MaximumAbility
68 4 IntegerLittleEndian   Money
72 1 CharacterHeroState   HeroState
73 1 CharacterStatus   Status
74 2 ShortLittleEndian   UsedFruitPoints
76 2 ShortLittleEndian   MaxFruitPoints
78 2 ShortLittleEndian   UsedNegativeFruitPoints
80 2 ShortLittleEndian   MaxNegativeFruitPoints
82 2 ShortLittleEndian   AttackSpeed
84 2 ShortLittleEndian   MagicSpeed
86 2 ShortLittleEndian   MaximumAttackSpeed
88 1 Byte   InventoryExtensions

CharacterHeroState Enum

Defines the hero state of a character.

Value Name Description
0 New The character is new and has the highest state.
1 Hero The character is a hero.
2 LightHero The character is a hero, but the state is almost gone.
3 Normal The character is in a neutral state.
4 PlayerKillWarning The character killed another character, and has a kill warning.
5 PlayerKiller1stStage The character killed two characters, and has some restrictions.
6 PlayerKiller2ndStage The character killed more than two characters, and has hard restrictions.

CharacterStatus Enum

The status of a character.

Value Name Description
0 Normal The state of the character is normal.
1 Banned The character is banned from the game.
32 GameMaster The character is a game master.