
This project aims to create an easy to use, extendable and customizable server for a MMORPG called "MU Online".

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C3 30 - NpcWindowResponse (by server)

Is sent when

After the client talked to an NPC which should cause a dialog to open on the client side.

Causes the following actions on the client side

The client opens the specified dialog.


Index Length Data Type Value Description
0 1 Byte 0xC3 Packet type
1 1 Byte 11 Packet header - length of the packet
2 1 Byte 0x30 Packet header - packet type identifier
3 1 NpcWindow   Window

NpcWindow Enum

Defines the kind of npc window which should be shown on the client.

Value Name Description
0 Merchant A merchant window.
1 Merchant1 Another merchant window.
2 VaultStorage A vault storage.
3 ChaosMachine A chaos machine window.
4 DevilSquare A devil square window.
6 BloodCastle A blood castle window.
7 PetTrainer The pet trainer window.
9 Lahap The lahap window.
12 CastleSeniorNPC The castle senior window.
17 ElphisRefinery The elphis refinery window.
18 RefineStoneMaking The refine stone making window.
19 RemoveJohOption The jewel of harmony option removal window.
20 IllusionTemple The illusion temple window.
21 ChaosCardCombination The chaos card combination window.
22 CherryBlossomBranchesAssembly The cherry blossom branches assembly window.
23 SeedMaster The seed master window.
24 SeedResearcher The seed researcher window.
25 StatReInitializer The stat reinitializer window.
32 DelgadoLuckyCoinRegistration The delgado lucky coin registration window.
33 DoorkeeperTitusDuelWatch The doorkeeper titus duel watch window.
35 LugardDoppelgangerEntry The lugard doppelganger entry window.
36 JerintGaionEvententry The jerint gaion event entry window.
37 JuliaWarpMarketServer The julia warp market server window.
38 CombineLuckyItem The dialog window which allows to exchange or refine Lucky Item. Used by NPC “David”.