C3 30 - NpcWindowResponse (by server)
Is sent when
After the client talked to an NPC which should cause a dialog to open on the client side.
Causes the following actions on the client side
The client opens the specified dialog.
Index | Length | Data Type | Value | Description |
0 | 1 | Byte | 0xC3 | Packet type |
1 | 1 | Byte | 11 | Packet header - length of the packet |
2 | 1 | Byte | 0x30 | Packet header - packet type identifier |
3 | 1 | NpcWindow | Window |
NpcWindow Enum
Defines the kind of npc window which should be shown on the client.
Value | Name | Description |
0 | Merchant | A merchant window. |
1 | Merchant1 | Another merchant window. |
2 | VaultStorage | A vault storage. |
3 | ChaosMachine | A chaos machine window. |
4 | DevilSquare | A devil square window. |
6 | BloodCastle | A blood castle window. |
7 | PetTrainer | The pet trainer window. |
9 | Lahap | The lahap window. |
12 | CastleSeniorNPC | The castle senior window. |
17 | ElphisRefinery | The elphis refinery window. |
18 | RefineStoneMaking | The refine stone making window. |
19 | RemoveJohOption | The jewel of harmony option removal window. |
20 | IllusionTemple | The illusion temple window. |
21 | ChaosCardCombination | The chaos card combination window. |
22 | CherryBlossomBranchesAssembly | The cherry blossom branches assembly window. |
23 | SeedMaster | The seed master window. |
24 | SeedResearcher | The seed researcher window. |
25 | StatReInitializer | The stat reinitializer window. |
32 | DelgadoLuckyCoinRegistration | The delgado lucky coin registration window. |
33 | DoorkeeperTitusDuelWatch | The doorkeeper titus duel watch window. |
35 | LugardDoppelgangerEntry | The lugard doppelganger entry window. |
36 | JerintGaionEvententry | The jerint gaion event entry window. |
37 | JuliaWarpMarketServer | The julia warp market server window. |
38 | CombineLuckyItem | The dialog window which allows to exchange or refine Lucky Item. Used by NPC “David”. |