
This project aims to create an easy to use, extendable and customizable server for a MMORPG called "MU Online".

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C3 22 - ItemPickUpRequestFailed (by server)

Is sent when

The player requested to pick up an item from to ground to add it to his inventory, but it failed.

Causes the following actions on the client side

Depending on the reason, the game client shows a message.


Index Length Data Type Value Description
0 1 Byte 0xC3 Packet type
1 1 Byte 4 Packet header - length of the packet
2 1 Byte 0x22 Packet header - packet type identifier
3 1 ItemPickUpFailReason   FailReason

ItemPickUpFailReason Enum

Defines the possible fail reasons

Value Name Description
253 ItemStacked The picked up item was combined into an existing item of the players inventory. A separate durability update will be sent to the client.
254 __MaximumInventoryMoneyReached The maximum inventory money has been reached, so the money wasn’t picked up. Should not be used, because it’s used in the InventoryMoneyUpdate message.
255 General The general, non-specific reason. It just failed.