C2 F6 1B - QuestStateExtended (by server)
Is sent when
After the game client requested it, when the player opened the quest menu and clicked on a quest.
Causes the following actions on the client side
The client shows the quest progress accordingly.
Index | Length | Data Type | Value | Description |
0 | 1 | Byte | 0xC2 | Packet type |
1 | 2 | Short | 272 | Packet header - length of the packet |
3 | 1 | Byte | 0xF6 | Packet header - packet type identifier |
4 | 1 | Byte | 0x1B | Packet header - sub packet type identifier |
5 | 1 | Byte | ConditionCount | |
6 | 1 | Byte | RewardCount | |
7 | 1 | Byte | RandomRewardCount | |
8 | 2 | ShortLittleEndian | QuestNumber | |
10 | 2 | ShortLittleEndian | QuestGroup | |
12 | QuestConditionExtended.Length * ConditionCount | Array of QuestConditionExtended | Conditions | |
152 | QuestRewardExtended.Length * RewardCount | Array of QuestRewardExtended | Rewards |
QuestConditionExtended Structure
Defines a condition which must be fulfilled to complete the quest.
Length: 28 Bytes
Index | Length | Data Type | Value | Description |
0 | 1 | ConditionType | Type | |
2 | 2 | ShortLittleEndian | RequirementId; Depending on the condition type, this field contains the identifier of the required thing, e.g. Monster Number, Item Id, Level. | |
4 | 4 | IntegerLittleEndian | RequiredCount | |
8 | 4 | IntegerLittleEndian | CurrentCount | |
12 | 15 | Binary | RequiredItemData; If the condition type is ‘Item’, this field contains the item data, excluding the item id. The item id can be found in the RequirementId field. |
ConditionType Enum
Defines the type of the condition.
Value | Name | Description |
0 | None | No condition is defined. |
1 | MonsterKills | The condition is to kill a specified amount of specified monsters. |
2 | Skill | The condition is to learn a specified skill. |
4 | Item | The condition is to find a specified item and to have it in the inventory. |
8 | Level | The condition is to reach the specified character level. |
16 | ClientAction | The condition is a client action. For example, this may be the completion of a tutorial. |
32 | RequestBuff | The condition is to request a buff from an NPC. |
64 | EventMapPlayerKills | The condition is to kill a specific amount of players in an event. |
65 | EventMapMonsterKills | The condition is to kill a specific amount of monsters in an event. |
66 | BloodCastleGate | The condition is to destroy the blood castle gate. |
256 | WinBloodCastle | The condition is to win the blood castle event. |
257 | WinChaosCastle | The condition is to win the chaos castle. |
258 | WinDevilSquare | The condition is to win the devil square event. |
259 | WinIllusionTemple | The condition is to win the illusion temple event. |
260 | DevilSquarePoints | The condition is to reach a specific amount of points in the devil square event. |
261 | Money | The condition is to give a specific amount of zen. |
262 | PvpPoints | The condition is to reach a specific amount of PVP points. |
263 | NpcTalk | The condition is to talk to a specific NPC. |
QuestRewardExtended Structure
Defines a reward which is given when the quest is completed.
Length: 24 Bytes
Index | Length | Data Type | Value | Description |
0 | 1 | RewardType | Type | |
2 | 2 | ShortLittleEndian | RewardId; Depending on the condition type, this field contains the identifier of the required thing, e.g. Monster Number, Item Id, Level. | |
4 | 4 | IntegerLittleEndian | RewardCount | |
8 | 15 | Binary | RewardedItemData; If the reward type is ‘Item’, this field contains its item data. |
RewardType Enum
Defines the reward which is given when the quest is completed.
Value | Name | Description |
0 | None | No reward is defined. |
1 | Experience | The reward is added experience to the character. |
2 | Money | The reward is added money to the inventory. |
4 | Item | The reward is an item which is added to the inventory. |
16 | GensContribution | The reward is added gens contribution points. |
32 | Random | The reward is random?. |