
This project aims to create an easy to use, extendable and customizable server for a MMORPG called "MU Online".

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C2 12 - AddCharacterToScopeExtended (by server)

Is sent when

One or more character got into the observed scope of the player.

Causes the following actions on the client side

The client adds the character to the shown map.


Index Length Data Type Value Description
0 1 Byte 0xC2 Packet type
1 2 Short   Packet header - length of the packet
3 1 Byte 0x12 Packet header - packet type identifier
4 2 ShortLittleEndian   Id
6 1 Byte   CurrentPositionX
7 1 Byte   CurrentPositionY
8 1 Byte   TargetPositionX
9 1 Byte   TargetPositionY
10 4 bit Byte   Rotation
10 « 0 4 bit CharacterHeroState   HeroState
12 2 ShortLittleEndian   AttackSpeed
14 2 ShortLittleEndian   MagicSpeed
16 10 String   Name
26   Binary   AppearanceAndEffects

CharacterHeroState Enum

Defines the hero state of a character.

Value Name Description
0 New The character is new and has the highest state.
1 Hero The character is a hero.
2 LightHero The character is a hero, but the state is almost gone.
3 Normal The character is in a neutral state.
4 PlayerKillWarning The character killed another character, and has a kill warning.
5 PlayerKiller1stStage The character killed two characters, and has some restrictions.
6 PlayerKiller2ndStage The character killed more than two characters, and has hard restrictions.