
This project aims to create an easy to use, extendable and customizable server for a MMORPG called "MU Online".

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C1 F6 0C - QuestProgressExtended (by server)

Is sent when

First, after the game client requested to initialize a quest and the quest is already active. Second, after the game client requested the next quest step.

Causes the following actions on the client side

The client shows the quest progress accordingly.


Index Length Data Type Value Description
0 1 Byte 0xC1 Packet type
1 1 Byte 272 Packet header - length of the packet
2 1 Byte 0xF6 Packet header - packet type identifier
3 1 Byte 0x0C Packet header - sub packet type identifier
5 1 Byte   ConditionCount
6 1 Byte   RewardCount
7 1 Byte   RandomRewardCount
8 2 ShortLittleEndian   QuestNumber
10 2 ShortLittleEndian   QuestGroup
12 QuestConditionExtended.Length * ConditionCount Array of QuestConditionExtended   Conditions
152 QuestRewardExtended.Length * RewardCount Array of QuestRewardExtended   Rewards

QuestConditionExtended Structure

Defines a condition which must be fulfilled to complete the quest.

Length: 28 Bytes

Index Length Data Type Value Description
0 1 ConditionType   Type
2 2 ShortLittleEndian   RequirementId; Depending on the condition type, this field contains the identifier of the required thing, e.g. Monster Number, Item Id, Level.
4 4 IntegerLittleEndian   RequiredCount
8 4 IntegerLittleEndian   CurrentCount
12 15 Binary   RequiredItemData; If the condition type is ‘Item’, this field contains the item data, excluding the item id. The item id can be found in the RequirementId field.

ConditionType Enum

Defines the type of the condition.

Value Name Description
0 None No condition is defined.
1 MonsterKills The condition is to kill a specified amount of specified monsters.
2 Skill The condition is to learn a specified skill.
4 Item The condition is to find a specified item and to have it in the inventory.
8 Level The condition is to reach the specified character level.
16 ClientAction The condition is a client action. For example, this may be the completion of a tutorial.
32 RequestBuff The condition is to request a buff from an NPC.
64 EventMapPlayerKills The condition is to kill a specific amount of players in an event.
65 EventMapMonsterKills The condition is to kill a specific amount of monsters in an event.
66 BloodCastleGate The condition is to destroy the blood castle gate.
256 WinBloodCastle The condition is to win the blood castle event.
257 WinChaosCastle The condition is to win the chaos castle.
258 WinDevilSquare The condition is to win the devil square event.
259 WinIllusionTemple The condition is to win the illusion temple event.
260 DevilSquarePoints The condition is to reach a specific amount of points in the devil square event.
261 Money The condition is to give a specific amount of zen.
262 PvpPoints The condition is to reach a specific amount of PVP points.
263 NpcTalk The condition is to talk to a specific NPC.

QuestRewardExtended Structure

Defines a reward which is given when the quest is completed.

Length: 24 Bytes

Index Length Data Type Value Description
0 1 RewardType   Type
2 2 ShortLittleEndian   RewardId; Depending on the condition type, this field contains the identifier of the required thing, e.g. Monster Number, Item Id, Level.
4 4 IntegerLittleEndian   RewardCount
8 15 Binary   RewardedItemData; If the reward type is ‘Item’, this field contains its item data.

RewardType Enum

Defines the reward which is given when the quest is completed.

Value Name Description
0 None No reward is defined.
1 Experience The reward is added experience to the character.
2 Money The reward is added money to the inventory.
4 Item The reward is an item which is added to the inventory.
16 GensContribution The reward is added gens contribution points.
32 Random The reward is random?.