C1 DE 00 - CharacterClassCreationUnlock (by server)
Is sent when
It’s send right after the CharacterList, in the character selection screen, if the account has any unlocked character classes.
Causes the following actions on the client side
The client unlocks the specified character classes, so they can be created.
Index | Length | Data Type | Value | Description |
0 | 1 | Byte | 0xC1 | Packet type |
1 | 1 | Byte | 5 | Packet header - length of the packet |
2 | 1 | Byte | 0xDE | Packet header - packet type identifier |
3 | 1 | Byte | 0x00 | Packet header - sub packet type identifier |
4 | 1 | CharacterCreationUnlockFlags | UnlockFlags |
CharacterCreationUnlockFlags Enum
The flags to unlock the specified character classes for the creation of new characters.
Value | Name | Description |
0 | None | No unlocked class. |
1 | Summoner | Unlocks the summoner class. |
2 | DarkLord | Unlocks the dark lord class. |
4 | MagicGladiator | Unlocks the magic gladiator class. |
8 | RageFighter | Unlocks the rage fighter class. |