
This project aims to create an easy to use, extendable and customizable server for a MMORPG called "MU Online".

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C1 D0 07 - EnterOnWerewolfRequest (by client)

Is sent when

A player is running the quest “Infiltrate The Barracks of Balgass” (nr. 5), talking to the Werewolf npc in Crywolf.

Causes the following actions on the server side

It will warp the player to the map ‘Barracks of Balgass’ where the required monsters have to be killed to proceed with the quest.


Index Length Data Type Value Description
0 1 Byte 0xC1 Packet type
1 1 Byte 4 Packet header - length of the packet
2 1 Byte 0xD0 Packet header - packet type identifier
3 1 Byte 0x07 Packet header - sub packet type identifier