
This project aims to create an easy to use, extendable and customizable server for a MMORPG called "MU Online".

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C1 C5 - LetterSendResponse (by server)

Is sent when

After the player requested to send a letter to another player.

Causes the following actions on the client side

Depending on the result, the letter send dialog closes or an error message appears.


Index Length Data Type Value Description
0 1 Byte 0xC1 Packet type
1 1 Byte 8 Packet header - length of the packet
2 1 Byte 0xC5 Packet header - packet type identifier
4 4 IntegerLittleEndian   LetterId
3 1 LetterSendRequestResult   Result

LetterSendRequestResult Enum

Describes the result of a letter send request.

Value Name Description
0 TryAgain The letter wasn’t sent because there was an internal problem. The user should try again.
1 Success The letter was sent.
2 MailboxFull The mailbox of the recipient is full.
3 ReceiverNotExists The receiver does not exist.
4 CantSendToYourself A letter can’t be sent to yourself.
7 NotEnoughMoney The sender doesn’t have enough money to send a letter.