
This project aims to create an easy to use, extendable and customizable server for a MMORPG called "MU Online".

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C1 AF 01 - ChaosCastleEnterResult (by server)

Is sent when

The player requested to enter the chaos castle mini game by using the ‘Armor of Guardsman’ item.

Causes the following actions on the client side

In case it failed, it shows the corresponding error message.


Index Length Data Type Value Description
0 1 Byte 0xC1 Packet type
1 1 Byte 5 Packet header - length of the packet
2 1 Byte 0xAF Packet header - packet type identifier
3 1 Byte 0x01 Packet header - sub packet type identifier
4 1 EnterResult   Result

EnterResult Enum

Defines the result of the enter request.

Value Name Description
0 Success The event has been entered.
1 Failed Entering the event failed, e.g. by missing event ticket or level range.
2 NotOpen Entering the event failed, because it’s not opened.
5 Full Entering the event failed, because it’s full.
7 NotEnoughMoney Entering the event failed, because the player doesn’t have enough money for the entrance fee.
8 PlayerKillerCantEnter Entering the event failed, because the player has a pk state.