
This project aims to create an easy to use, extendable and customizable server for a MMORPG called "MU Online".

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C1 AA 01 - DuelStartResult (by server)

Is sent when

After the client sent a DuelStartRequest, and it either failed or the requested player sent a response.

Causes the following actions on the client side

The client shows the started or aborted duel.


Index Length Data Type Value Description
0 1 Byte 0xC1 Packet type
1 1 Byte 17 Packet header - length of the packet
2 1 Byte 0xAA Packet header - packet type identifier
3 1 Byte 0x01 Packet header - sub packet type identifier
4 1 DuelStartResultType   Result
5 2 ShortBigEndian   OpponentId
7 10 String   OpponentName

DuelStartResultType Enum

Describes the type of the duel result.

Value Name Description
0 Success The duel has been started.
12 FailedByTooLowLevel The duel couldn’t be started, because one of the players has not the minimum level, usually 30.
14 FailedByError The duel couldn’t be started, because of an unexpected error.
15 Refused The duel couldn’t be started, because the opponent refused.
16 FailedByNoFreeRoom The duel couldn’t be started, because no duel room is free.
28 FailedBy_ The duel couldn’t be started, because …
30 FailedByNotEnoughMoney The duel couldn’t be started, because one of the players has not enough money, usually 30000.