C1 AA 01 - DuelStartResult (by server)
Is sent when
After the client sent a DuelStartRequest, and it either failed or the requested player sent a response.
Causes the following actions on the client side
The client shows the started or aborted duel.
Index | Length | Data Type | Value | Description |
0 | 1 | Byte | 0xC1 | Packet type |
1 | 1 | Byte | 17 | Packet header - length of the packet |
2 | 1 | Byte | 0xAA | Packet header - packet type identifier |
3 | 1 | Byte | 0x01 | Packet header - sub packet type identifier |
4 | 1 | DuelStartResultType | Result | |
5 | 2 | ShortBigEndian | OpponentId | |
7 | 10 | String | OpponentName |
DuelStartResultType Enum
Describes the type of the duel result.
Value | Name | Description |
0 | Success | The duel has been started. |
12 | FailedByTooLowLevel | The duel couldn’t be started, because one of the players has not the minimum level, usually 30. |
14 | FailedByError | The duel couldn’t be started, because of an unexpected error. |
15 | Refused | The duel couldn’t be started, because the opponent refused. |
16 | FailedByNoFreeRoom | The duel couldn’t be started, because no duel room is free. |
28 | FailedBy_ | The duel couldn’t be started, because … |
30 | FailedByNotEnoughMoney | The duel couldn’t be started, because one of the players has not enough money, usually 30000. |