
This project aims to create an easy to use, extendable and customizable server for a MMORPG called "MU Online".

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C1 92 - UpdateMiniGameState (by server)

Is sent when

The state of a mini game event is about to change in 30 seconds.

Causes the following actions on the client side

The client side shows a message about the changing state.


Index Length Data Type Value Description
0 1 Byte 0xC1 Packet type
1 1 Byte 4 Packet header - length of the packet
2 1 Byte 0x92 Packet header - packet type identifier
3 1 MiniGameTypeState   State

MiniGameTypeState Enum

The state of the mini games.

Value Name Description
0 DevilSquareClosed Is sent when the devil square is currently closed and will be opened. “You will enter Devil Square (x seconds from now)”.
1 DevilSquareOpened Is sent when the devil square game is currently opened for entrance and closing for entrance. “The gate of Devil Square will close down in x seconds”.
2 DevilSquareRunning Is sent when the devil square game is currently running and is about to end. “The gate of Devil Square is closing down (x seconds remaining)”.
3 BloodCastleClosed The blood castle game is closed. “Blood Castle Closing (in x seconds)”.
4 BloodCastleOpened The blood castle game is opened for entrance. “Blood Castle Infiltration (in x seconds)”.
5 BloodCastleEnding The blood castle game is ending. “Blood Castle ends (in x seconds)”.
6 BloodCastleFinished The blood castle game is finished. “Blood Castle Event shuts down (in x seconds)”.
7 BloodCastleCongratulations The blood castle game was finished successfully. “Congratulations”.
10 ChaosCastleClosed The chaos castle game is closed. “Chaos Castle Closing (in x seconds)”.
11 ChaosCastleOpened The chaos castle game is opened for entrance. “Chaos Castle Penetration (in x seconds)”.
12 ChaosCastleEnding The chaos castle game is ending. “Chaos Castle Event ends (in x seconds)”.
13 ChaosCastleFinished The chaos castle game is finished. Chaos Castle Event shuts down (in x seconds)”.