C1 2C - FruitConsumptionResponse (by server)
Is sent when
The player requested to consume a fruit.
Causes the following actions on the client side
The client updates the user interface, by changing the added stat points and used fruit points.
Index | Length | Data Type | Value | Description |
0 | 1 | Byte | 0xC1 | Packet type |
1 | 1 | Byte | 7 | Packet header - length of the packet |
2 | 1 | Byte | 0x2C | Packet header - packet type identifier |
3 | 1 | FruitConsumptionResult | Result | |
4 | 2 | ShortLittleEndian | StatPoints | |
6 | 1 | FruitStatType | StatType |
FruitConsumptionResult Enum
Defines the result of the fruit consumption request.
Value | Name | Description |
0 | PlusSuccess | Consumption to add points was successful. |
1 | PlusFailed | Consumption to add points failed. |
2 | PlusPrevented | Consumption to add points was prevented because some conditions were not correct. |
3 | MinusSuccess | Consumption to remove points was successful. |
4 | MinusFailed | Consumption to remove points failed. |
5 | MinusPrevented | Consumption to remove points was prevented because some conditions were not correct. |
6 | MinusSuccessCashShopFruit | Consumption to remove points was successful, removed by a fruit acquired through the cash shop. |
16 | PreventedByEquippedItems | Consumption was prevented because an item was equipped. |
33 | PlusPreventedByMaximum | Consumption to add points was prevented because the maximum amount of points have been added. |
37 | MinusPreventedByMaximum | Consumption to remove points was prevented because the maximum amount of points have been removed. |
38 | MinusPreventedByDefault | Consumption to remove points was prevented because the base amount of stat points of the character class cannot be undercut. |
FruitStatType Enum
Defines the type of stat which the fruit modifies.
Value | Name | Description |
0 | Energy | Fruit which modifies the energy stat. |
1 | Vitality | Fruit which modifies the vitality stat. |
2 | Agility | Fruit which modifies the agility stat. |
3 | Strength | Fruit which modifies the strength stat. |
4 | Leadership | Fruit which modifies the leadership stat. |