C1 1B - MagicEffectCancelled (by server)
Is sent when
A player cancelled a specific magic effect of a skill (Infinity Arrow, Wizardry Enhance), or an effect was removed due a timeout (Ice, Poison) or antidote.
Causes the following actions on the client side
The effect is removed from the target object.
Index | Length | Data Type | Value | Description |
0 | 1 | Byte | 0xC1 | Packet type |
1 | 1 | Byte | 7 | Packet header - length of the packet |
2 | 1 | Byte | 0x1B | Packet header - packet type identifier |
3 | 2 | ShortBigEndian | SkillId | |
5 | 2 | ShortBigEndian | TargetId |